About Euro account
What is the Euro account?
A Euro account allows you to hold Euro via the Quickbit app. It is powered by our payment service partner Intergiro Intl AB (publ) where we can ensure your money is kept safely and securely. When opening a Euro account you also become a customer of Intergiro Intl AB (publ).
Once you have Euro account, you can exchange Euro between cryptos, make and receive payments, and reviewing historic transactions.
What is intergiro?
Intergiro, a Swedish electronic money institute regulated in Sweden by Finansinspektionen (The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority) under the Swedish Electronic Money Act (2011:755), Licence Reference: 48003, for the issuing of electronic money and provision of payment services under the Swedish Payment Service Act (2010:751).
Is my money safe with Intergiro?
Intergiro is regulated as an EMI (Electronic Money Institution) in Sweden, part of the EU. That means that all customers' funds are safeguarded and Intergiro are subject to strict rules to protect your funds.